Revolutionize Your Workforce Management with the DPP Attendance Tracker


Managing employee attendance is crucial for effective workforce management. The DPP Attendance Tracker provides a state-of-the-art solution that simplifies the attendance marking process while ensuring enhanced security and operational efficiency. Discover how this innovative tool can transform your organization's attendance management.

Simplified Attendance Marking for Staff

The DPP Attendance Tracker makes it easy for staff to record their attendance, ensuring accurate and reliable data.

User-Friendly Interface

  • Staff log into the system and select the "Attendance" option from the main menu.
  • They verify their branch name and can change it if necessary to ensure correct tracking.

Efficient Attendance Recording

  • Staff choose the appropriate attendance type (Normal, Overtime, Emergency 1, Emergency 2).
  • They mark their attendance by clicking “Check-in” or “Check-out” based on their work status for the day.

Enhanced Management Capabilities for Practice Managers and Admins

Practice Managers and Admins can effortlessly manage and modify staff attendance records, ensuring all records are accurate and up-to-date.

Comprehensive Record Management

  • Access the “User Attendance” section to manage individual records.
  • Use dropdown menus to select the practice, month, and year, then search for specific attendance records.

Easy Modifications

  • Navigate through the month calendar to find the specific day for marking or modifying attendance.
  • Update check-in and check-out times, and mark holidays for staff members as needed.

Customizing Default Working Hours

The DPP Attendance Tracker allows Practice Admins to set default working hours, ensuring consistency across the organization.

Defining Working Hours

  • Go to "Settings" from the main menu and select "Company Profile."
  • In "Attendance Configurations," set default check-in and check-out times and break durations.
  • Save the configurations to apply them across all practices.

Enhancing Security with Trusted IP Addresses

Security is a top priority with the DPP Attendance Tracker. Adding trusted IP addresses ensures that attendance can only be marked from authorized locations.

Adding Trusted IPs

  • Log in to the dashboard, access "Settings," and choose "Add Trusted IP."
  • Select the branch, confirm the IP address (auto-filled or manually entered), add any relevant notes, and save.

Special Provisions for Emergency Attendance

The system includes specific timeframes for "Emergency Attendance 1" and "Emergency Attendance 2," providing flexibility and security during emergencies or special events.

Key Benefits of the DPP Attendance Tracker

Adopting the DPP Attendance Tracker brings numerous advantages to your organization:

Streamlined Processes

  • Simplifies the attendance marking process for staff, ensuring it is quick and user-friendly.
  • Allows managers and admins to manage and modify attendance records efficiently, keeping data accurate and current.

Enhanced Security

  • Trusted IP addresses ensure attendance is marked only from authorized locations, reducing the risk of unauthorized access.

Operational Efficiency

  • Accurate attendance records support better workforce management and operational planning.
  • Clear procedures for attendance marking and modifications ensure consistency and reliability in data management.


The DPP Attendance Tracker is an indispensable tool for any organization aiming to streamline its attendance management process. With features designed to simplify attendance marking, enhance security, and improve operational efficiency, it sets the standard for modern workforce management. Upgrade to the DPP Attendance Tracker today and experience a seamless, secure, and efficient attendance tracking system.

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